Research project

Workshop “Science, technology & society: emerging international research trends” (Padova, November 11, 2022)
On November 11, 2022, the research Unit Pastis organizes a workshop to discuss with the Science, Technology and Society Unit at Gratz University about the emerging research lines related to the field of science & technology studies.

Workshop “Science, technology & society: emerging international research trends” (Padova, November 11, 2022)
On November 11, 2022, the research Unit Pastis organizes a workshop to discuss with the Science, Technology and Society Unit at Gratz University about the emerging research lines related to the field of science & technology studies.

New research – Visualising Science on Screen: The Role of Science Film Festivals
At Pastis we recently started a new research project on the Rassegna Internazionale del film scientifico-didattico [International festivals on scientific and educational movies], which has been held in Padova from 1957 to 1974.

New research – Visualising Science on Screen: The Role of Science Film Festivals
At Pastis we recently started a new research project on the Rassegna Internazionale del film scientifico-didattico [International festivals on scientific and educational movies], which has been held in Padova from 1957 to 1974.

En-RRI – Enhancing RRI in the bottom-up co-creation of science and technology (2021-23)
Nel periodo 2021-2023 sono Co-principal investigator del progetto En-RRI – Enhancing RRI in the bottom-up co-creation of science and technology. Il progetto studia le comunità e le organizzazioni della società civile italiana impegnati in progetti di innovazione scientifica e sviluppo tecnologico.

En-RRI – Enhancing RRI in the bottom-up co-creation of science and technology (2021-23)
Nel periodo 2021-2023 sono Co-principal investigator del progetto En-RRI – Enhancing RRI in the bottom-up co-creation of science and technology. Il progetto studia le comunità e le organizzazioni della società civile italiana impegnati in progetti di innovazione scientifica e sviluppo tecnologico.