
7th STS Italia Summer School, ArTS in Society, Rome, 3 – 6 September 2024
I will be a speaker at the 7th STS Italia Summer School entitled ‘ArTS in Society: Design, Creative Practices and Technoscience’, to be held at the Real Academia de España in Rome (RAER) from 3 to 6 September 2024.

7th STS Italia Summer School, ArTS in Society, Rome, 3 – 6 September 2024
I will be a speaker at the 7th STS Italia Summer School entitled ‘ArTS in Society: Design, Creative Practices and Technoscience’, to be held at the Real Academia de España in Rome (RAER) from 3 to 6 September 2024.

Summer School 2023: Probing Innovation: Prospecting, Valuing, and Negotiating F®ictions
I’m going to be part of the Summer School “Probing Innovation: Prospecting, Valuing, and Negotiating F®ictions“, which will be organized at the University of Lausanne from 6 to 9 June, 2023.

Summer School 2023: Probing Innovation: Prospecting, Valuing, and Negotiating F®ictions
I’m going to be part of the Summer School “Probing Innovation: Prospecting, Valuing, and Negotiating F®ictions“, which will be organized at the University of Lausanne from 6 to 9 June, 2023.

Participation and resistance through arts and culture – Univ. of Bologna, Dec. 15, 2021
I’m going to partecipate to the presentation of the special issue of “Studi Culturali” titled Participation and resistance through arts and culture, which will be held at the University of Bologna on December 15, 2021.

Participation and resistance through arts and culture – Univ. of Bologna, Dec. 15, 2021
I’m going to partecipate to the presentation of the special issue of “Studi Culturali” titled Participation and resistance through arts and culture, which will be held at the University of Bologna on December 15, 2021.

Between mobile privatization and privatized mobility. Looking at mobile media in historical perspective
27 May 2020, 03.00 PM Gabriele Balbi (USI Università della Svizzera italiana) Paolo Magaudda (Università di Padova) www.mobilityandhumanities.it

Between mobile privatization and privatized mobility. Looking at mobile media in historical perspective
27 May 2020, 03.00 PM Gabriele Balbi (USI Università della Svizzera italiana) Paolo Magaudda (Università di Padova) www.mobilityandhumanities.it

Winter School 2019: Knowledge at risk, University of Padova
Winter School – Times and Spaces of Globalization 7th edition, organized by NEXT GENERATION GLOBAL STUDIES (NGGS) in collaboration with University of Padova – University of Trento – Scholars at Risk international network. The 2019 edition of the Winter School ‘Times and

Winter School 2019: Knowledge at risk, University of Padova
Winter School – Times and Spaces of Globalization 7th edition, organized by NEXT GENERATION GLOBAL STUDIES (NGGS) in collaboration with University of Padova – University of Trento – Scholars at Risk international network. The 2019 edition of the Winter School ‘Times and

The Politics of Science and Techology: Authority, Expertise and Democratic Participation
3rd ISA Forum of Sociology Wien, July 10-14 2016 RC23 Sociology of Science and Technology The Politics of Science and Techology: Authority, Expertise and Democratic Participation

The Politics of Science and Techology: Authority, Expertise and Democratic Participation
3rd ISA Forum of Sociology Wien, July 10-14 2016 RC23 Sociology of Science and Technology The Politics of Science and Techology: Authority, Expertise and Democratic Participation

Seminario: “Sociomaterialità in Educazione” – Univ. Roma, 22 Giugno 2016
SOCIOMATERIALITÀ IN EDUCAZIONE ROMA 22 giugno 2016 – Via Salaria 113 Oggetti, artefatti e spazi sono stati argomenti di interesse minore nelle indagini sulle pratiche e le politiche dell’apprendimento e dell’educazione.

Seminario: “Sociomaterialità in Educazione” – Univ. Roma, 22 Giugno 2016
SOCIOMATERIALITÀ IN EDUCAZIONE ROMA 22 giugno 2016 – Via Salaria 113 Oggetti, artefatti e spazi sono stati argomenti di interesse minore nelle indagini sulle pratiche e le politiche dell’apprendimento e dell’educazione.

Conference: La philosophie italienne des techniques, Paris (FR), 22 et 23 octobre 2015
La philosophie italienne des techniques An in international conference organized by CETCOPRA at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, October 22/23, 2015.

Conference: La philosophie italienne des techniques, Paris (FR), 22 et 23 octobre 2015
La philosophie italienne des techniques An in international conference organized by CETCOPRA at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, October 22/23, 2015.