Lecture at the University of California Berkeley: "The Worm, the Apple and the 'Consumerization' of Hacking Practices and Culture"
Thursday October 6th 4:00 pm 470 Stephens Hall UC Berkeley – Center for Science, Technology, Medicine, and Society (CSTMS) Fall 2011 Colloquia Series “The Worm, the Apple and the 'Consumerization' of Hacking Practices and Culture” This presentation focuses on the emerging practices involving the hacking These two forms of hacking are discussed in terms of what they can tell us about the blurring boundaries between consumer culture, hacking practices, and the modification of technologies. I emphasize that these practices of modification can be interpreted as a form of “hackerization” of the use and consumption of digital devices. On the other hand, these forms of hacking can be also considered as part of a step toward the “consumerization” of hacking culture and activities, whereby hacking becomes a more popular and widespread activity and is integrated into consumer behaviors, market production, and capitalistic exchange. Flyer available for download here.