Media and communication technologies

Schermata 2022-08-11 alle 17.00.32/// 2022 /// Young People and the Smartphone. Everyday Life on the Small Screen /// Palgrave /// with Michela Drusian and Marco Scarcelli.

Focusing on smartphone practices and experiences of youth today, this volume is the result of empirical research based on focus groups and in-depth interviews with young people aged 18-30. Grounded in media theory and analyzed through a blended lens of media and science and technology studies, the book offers detailed insights into the everyday use of smartphones.

SCIOLLA 1109.qxd/// 2021 /// Media digitali: la storia, i contesti le narrazioni ///Laterza /// with Gabriele Balbi

This handbook for italian speaking students aims to be innovative and to look at the relationship between society and digital media over a long period of time. This is in the belief that it is necessary to provide a broad and coherent picture of the ways in which digital media have become so relevant to contemporary societies.

Schermata 2019-06-21 alle 11.49.36/// 2019 /// Vite interconnesse: Pratiche digitali attraverso app, smartphone e piattaforme online /// Meltemi /// with Michela Drusian and Marco Scarcelli.

The book in italian offers an analysis of the use of the smartphone among young people aged between 18 and 30. On the basis of the data collected and the most recent bibliographic documentation, the research investigates the implications of the use of platforms and mobile apps in relation to different spheres of the experience of young Italians, and in particular with respect to identity construction, social relations and consumption practices.

9781138630222 /// 2018 /// History of Digital Media. A Global and Intermedia Perspective /// Routledge ///with Gabriele Balbi.

This book text offers a comprehensive introduction to digital media history for students and scholars across media and communication studies, providing an overview of the main turning points in digital media and highlighting the interactions between political, business, technical, social, and cultural elements throughout history.

Fallimenti-digitali/// 2018 /// Fallimenti Digitali: un archeologia dei ‘nuovi’ media /// Unicopli  /// with Gabriele Balbi

The book brings together original contributions dedicated to different media sectors (from photography to networks, from TV to radio, from print to virtual reality, from cinema to video games) in order to explore and deconstruct the category of failure in the digital universe. The result is an ‘archaeological’ work of rediscovery and excavation in the recent history of what are (often improperly) called new media.

Schermata 2016-07-19 alle 09.28.14 /// 2016 /// Digital Circulation: Media, Materiality and Infrastructures /// Tecnoscienza /// with Gabriele Balbi and Alessandro Delfanti.

A double special issue on some emerging topics at the intersection between science & technology studies, media studies and sociology of communication.

/// 2015 /// Sociologia dei nuovi media /// Pearson /// italian version ofNick Couldry’s book “Media, Society, World

The italian translation of the key book by Nick Couldry, who present his approach based on practice theory on media technologies.

/// 2014 /// Storia dei media digitali. Rivoluzioni e continuità /// Laterza /// with Gabriele Balbi.

The book takes you on an original journey through the history of digital media, from the first half of the 20th century to the present day. It traces the main stages in the history of the computer, the Internet, the mobile phone and the digitisation of certain sectors of the cultural industries such as music, the press, cinema, photography, radio and television.