Special Issue “Tecnoscienza”: Digital Circulation: Media, Materiality, Infrastructures (2016)

Schermata 2016-07-19 alle 09.28.14Edited By Gabriele Balbi, Alessandro Delfanti and Paolo Magaudda

TECNOSCIENZA – Italian Journal of Science & Technology StudiesVol. 7, Nr. 1, June 2016

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Double Special Issue – Part One

Digital Circulation:
Media, Materiality, Infrastructures

Edited By Gabriele Balbi, Alessandro Delfanti and Paolo Magaudda


Guest Editors’ Introduction

Gabriele Balbi, Alessandro Delfanti and Paolo Magaudda, Digital Circulation: Media, Materiality, Infrastructures. An Introduction 

Sergio Minniti, Polaroid 2.0: Photo-Objects and Analogue Instant Photography in the Digital Age

Suzana Alpsancar, Plants as Digital Things: The Global Circulation of Future Breeding Options and Their Storage in Gene Banks

Philip Di Salvo, Strategies of Circulation Restriction in Whistleblowing: the Pentagon Papers, WikiLeaks and Snowden Cases

Maria Eriksson, A Different Kind of Story: Tracing the Histories and Cultural Marks of Pirate Copied Film

Romain Badouard, Clément Mabi, Alvise Mattozzi, Cornelius Schubert, Guillaume Sire and Estrid Sørensen, STS and Media Studies: Alternative Paths in Different Countries

Christoph Raetzsch and Henrik Bødker, Journalism and the Circulation of Communicative

Book Reviews

T. Gillespie, P.J. Boczkowski and K.A. Foot (Eds.) Media Technologies. Essays on Communication, Materiality, and Society (2014)
by Giuseppina Pellegrino

N. Couldry Sociologia dei nuovi media. Teoria sociale e pratiche mediali digitali (2015) [italian translation of: Media, Society, World. Social Theory and Digital Media Practice, 2012]
by Davide Bennato

D. Novak and M. Sakakeeny (Eds.) Keywords in Sound (2015) by Trevor Pinch

R. Corbey and A. Lanjouw (Eds.) The Politics of Species. Reshaping Our Relationships with Other Animals (2014)
by Ane Møller Gabrielsen

M. Grebowicz and H. Merrick Beyond the Cyborg. Adventures with Donna Haraway (2013) by Giulia SelmiM. Nicolson and J.E.E. Fleming Imaging and Imagining the Fetus:

The Development of Obstetric Ultrasound (2014) by Serena Naim

P. Sormani Respecifying Lab Ethnography: An Ethnomethodological Study of Experimental Physics (2014) by Paolo Volonté

J. Vertesi Seeing Like a Rover. How Robots, Teams and Images Craft Knowledge of Mars (2015) by Massimo Mazzotti


"Sapere" Alessandro Delfanti Apple Bologna Books ciga communication conferences consumption cultural studies Digicult digital culture digital media digital music technologies electronic dance music Gabriele Balbi hacking Il Mulino innovation Materiality media studies Milano mp3 music music technologies music technology new media Oggetti da ascoltare Padova Pastis popular culture popular music practice theory Roma Science science and technology Sociologia dei Consumi sociology Sound studies Storia dei media digitali STS sts italia technology Tecnologie Tecnoscienza