Posts Tagged 'Digicult'

Article: Dreams and nightmares in the application of blockchain technology in music industry
In the last 20 years, major changes in music practices have been moulded around new “affordances” coming from digital technologies and infrastructures, such as the mp3 format, peer-to-peer networks and streaming platforms. The social and economic life of today’s music

Article: Dreams and nightmares in the application of blockchain technology in music industry
In the last 20 years, major changes in music practices have been moulded around new “affordances” coming from digital technologies and infrastructures, such as the mp3 format, peer-to-peer networks and streaming platforms. The social and economic life of today’s music

Not just a matter of nostalgia: loving the vinyl record in the digital age
The return of vinyl is a nostalgic issue or a reaction to the digital world? Vinyl: the Analogue Record in the Digital Age, written by Bartmanski and Woodward responds at this question.

Not just a matter of nostalgia: loving the vinyl record in the digital age
The return of vinyl is a nostalgic issue or a reaction to the digital world? Vinyl: the Analogue Record in the Digital Age, written by Bartmanski and Woodward responds at this question.

A review of “Signal Traffic: critical studies of media infrastructures”
Here you find a review of the book “Signal Traffic: critical studies of media infrastructures“ by Lisa Parks and Nicole Starosielski for the online magazine

A review of “Signal Traffic: critical studies of media infrastructures”
Here you find a review of the book “Signal Traffic: critical studies of media infrastructures“ by Lisa Parks and Nicole Starosielski for the online magazine
Where do we stand in Italy, with the digitization of cultural contents?
A new article on the digital magazine Digicult about trends of the digitalization of cultural contents (music, films, newspapers) in Italy, compared to the US, with several sale and statistical data. Go to read the article (english or italian).
Where do we stand in Italy, with the digitization of cultural contents?
A new article on the digital magazine Digicult about trends of the digitalization of cultural contents (music, films, newspapers) in Italy, compared to the US, with several sale and statistical data. Go to read the article (english or italian).
Videogames at MOMA. New Fruition Models in Contemporary Art
A new article by P. Magaudda on the web magazine DIGICULT, about how videogames became part of the NY MOMA's permanent collection as pieces of contemporary art. best essay editing service zp8497586rq
Videogames at MOMA. New Fruition Models in Contemporary Art
A new article by P. Magaudda on the web magazine DIGICULT, about how videogames became part of the NY MOMA's permanent collection as pieces of contemporary art. best essay editing service zp8497586rq
Biohackers. the politics of open science: a review by P. Magaudda on Digicult
It’s online a review I wrote about the Alessandro Delfanti’s book Biohakers. The Politics of Open Science and published on “Digicult”, a very intriguing website on media, art and digital culture.
Biohackers. the politics of open science: a review by P. Magaudda on Digicult
It’s online a review I wrote about the Alessandro Delfanti’s book Biohakers. The Politics of Open Science and published on “Digicult”, a very intriguing website on media, art and digital culture.