Posts Tagged 'ebook'

Where do we stand in Italy, with the digitization of cultural contents?

A new article on the digital magazine Digicult about trends of the digitalization of cultural contents (music, films, newspapers) in Italy, compared to the US, with several sale and statistical data. Go to read the article (english or italian).


Where do we stand in Italy, with the digitization of cultural contents?

A new article on the digital magazine Digicult about trends of the digitalization of cultural contents (music, films, newspapers) in Italy, compared to the US, with several sale and statistical data. Go to read the article (english or italian).


Oggetti da ascoltare in versione Kindle

Da pochi giorni è possibile acquistare il mio libro Oggetti da ascoltare in versione Kindle su Amazon Store.


Oggetti da ascoltare in versione Kindle

Da pochi giorni è possibile acquistare il mio libro Oggetti da ascoltare in versione Kindle su Amazon Store.
