Posts Tagged 'everyday life'

Open Lecture – Bozen – Objects to be listened to. Strange tales from the biographies of music technologies
adobe acrobat x standard download The lecture begins with some theoretical considerations raised in the Author’s recent book on the social uses of music listening technologies, such as Hifi equipment and iPod players (Non solo Oggetti, Il Mulino, 2012), and

Open Lecture – Bozen – Objects to be listened to. Strange tales from the biographies of music technologies
adobe acrobat x standard download The lecture begins with some theoretical considerations raised in the Author’s recent book on the social uses of music listening technologies, such as Hifi equipment and iPod players (Non solo Oggetti, Il Mulino, 2012), and

2012 – Oggetti da ascoltare. HiFi, iPod e consumo delle tecnologie musicali (Il Mulino)
Oggetti da Ascoltare. HiFi, iPod e consumo delle tecnologie musicali è un libro di ricerca che affronta attraverso la sociologia della tecnologia e dei consumi il mondo dell’ascolto musicale.

2012 – Oggetti da ascoltare. HiFi, iPod e consumo delle tecnologie musicali (Il Mulino)
Oggetti da Ascoltare. HiFi, iPod e consumo delle tecnologie musicali è un libro di ricerca che affronta attraverso la sociologia della tecnologia e dei consumi il mondo dell’ascolto musicale.
Lecture at the University of California Berkeley: "The Worm, the Apple and the 'Consumerization' of Hacking Practices and Culture"
Thursday October 6th 4:00 pm 470 Stephens Hall UC Berkeley – Center for Science, Technology, Medicine, and Society (CSTMS) Fall 2011 Colloquia Series
Lecture at the University of California Berkeley: "The Worm, the Apple and the 'Consumerization' of Hacking Practices and Culture"
Thursday October 6th 4:00 pm 470 Stephens Hall UC Berkeley – Center for Science, Technology, Medicine, and Society (CSTMS) Fall 2011 Colloquia Series