Posts Tagged 'science and technology'

“Technology as culture” for the Elgar Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Studies (2024)
I contributed to the brand new edition of the Elgar Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Studies, edited by Ulrike Felt and Alan Irwin, with a framing chapter titled “Technology as culture”.

“Technology as culture” for the Elgar Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Studies (2024)
I contributed to the brand new edition of the Elgar Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Studies, edited by Ulrike Felt and Alan Irwin, with a framing chapter titled “Technology as culture”.

Seminario: Percorsi dell’hacking (1900-2011) – UniPD 23 Maggio 2023
Seminario Percorsi dell’hacking (1900-2011). Paolo Magaudda discute con Federico Mazzini in occasione dell’uscita di Hackers. Storia e pratiche di una cultura. Laterza 2022 23 maggio 2023, h. 15.00 Aula Diano, Palazzo Liviano Piazza Capitaniato, 7 – Padova

Seminario: Percorsi dell’hacking (1900-2011) – UniPD 23 Maggio 2023
Seminario Percorsi dell’hacking (1900-2011). Paolo Magaudda discute con Federico Mazzini in occasione dell’uscita di Hackers. Storia e pratiche di una cultura. Laterza 2022 23 maggio 2023, h. 15.00 Aula Diano, Palazzo Liviano Piazza Capitaniato, 7 – Padova

“Disentagnling Futures from a STS perspective” – Special Section of “Tecnoscienza” (2022)
At the end of 2022 i co-edited with my colleague Stefano Crabu and with the support of the whole journal’s board a special section on the role of futures, anticipatory expectations, and forward-looking statements in co-defining the nexus between science,

“Disentagnling Futures from a STS perspective” – Special Section of “Tecnoscienza” (2022)
At the end of 2022 i co-edited with my colleague Stefano Crabu and with the support of the whole journal’s board a special section on the role of futures, anticipatory expectations, and forward-looking statements in co-defining the nexus between science,

Summer School 2023: Probing Innovation: Prospecting, Valuing, and Negotiating F®ictions
I’m going to be part of the Summer School “Probing Innovation: Prospecting, Valuing, and Negotiating F®ictions“, which will be organized at the University of Lausanne from 6 to 9 June, 2023.

Summer School 2023: Probing Innovation: Prospecting, Valuing, and Negotiating F®ictions
I’m going to be part of the Summer School “Probing Innovation: Prospecting, Valuing, and Negotiating F®ictions“, which will be organized at the University of Lausanne from 6 to 9 June, 2023.

“Co-creazione e responsabilità nell’innovazione tecnoscientifica dal basso” (Mimesis, 2022)
E’ uscito per Mimesis il libro Co-creazione e responsabilità nell’innovazione tecnoscientifica dal basso, curato da me insieme ai colleghi Simone Arnaldi e Stefano Crabu, che presenta alcuni dei risultati del progetto di ricerca ENRRI.

“Co-creazione e responsabilità nell’innovazione tecnoscientifica dal basso” (Mimesis, 2022)
E’ uscito per Mimesis il libro Co-creazione e responsabilità nell’innovazione tecnoscientifica dal basso, curato da me insieme ai colleghi Simone Arnaldi e Stefano Crabu, che presenta alcuni dei risultati del progetto di ricerca ENRRI.

Workshop “Science, technology & society: emerging international research trends” (Padova, November 11, 2022)
On November 11, 2022, the research Unit Pastis organizes a workshop to discuss with the Science, Technology and Society Unit at Gratz University about the emerging research lines related to the field of science & technology studies.

Workshop “Science, technology & society: emerging international research trends” (Padova, November 11, 2022)
On November 11, 2022, the research Unit Pastis organizes a workshop to discuss with the Science, Technology and Society Unit at Gratz University about the emerging research lines related to the field of science & technology studies.

“Studi sociali sulla scienza e la tecnologia” (Il Mulino, 2020)
Il libro introduce agli studi sociali sulla scienza e la tecnologia (STS), un ambito di ricerca divenuto ormai di riferimento per analizzare e comprendere i complessi rapporti tra innovazione tecno-scientifica e contesto sociale, politico e culturale.

“Studi sociali sulla scienza e la tecnologia” (Il Mulino, 2020)
Il libro introduce agli studi sociali sulla scienza e la tecnologia (STS), un ambito di ricerca divenuto ormai di riferimento per analizzare e comprendere i complessi rapporti tra innovazione tecno-scientifica e contesto sociale, politico e culturale.

Vite interconnesse: Pratiche digitali attraverso app, smartphone e piattaforme online (Meltemi, 2019)
Pratiche digitali attraverso app, smartphone e piattaforme online (Meltemi, 2019), un nuovo libro di Michela Drusian, Paolo Magaudda e Cosimo Marco Scarcelli.

Vite interconnesse: Pratiche digitali attraverso app, smartphone e piattaforme online (Meltemi, 2019)
Pratiche digitali attraverso app, smartphone e piattaforme online (Meltemi, 2019), un nuovo libro di Michela Drusian, Paolo Magaudda e Cosimo Marco Scarcelli.

PhD course in TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, Politecnico of Milan, May 2019
In our turbulent society, technologies are crucial in solving and shaping challenges in equal measure. The mission of this course is to offer to Ph.D. students awareness of the societal, ethical and political impact of new emerging technologies in engineering,

PhD course in TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, Politecnico of Milan, May 2019
In our turbulent society, technologies are crucial in solving and shaping challenges in equal measure. The mission of this course is to offer to Ph.D. students awareness of the societal, ethical and political impact of new emerging technologies in engineering,

Article: Dreams and nightmares in the application of blockchain technology in music industry
In the last 20 years, major changes in music practices have been moulded around new “affordances” coming from digital technologies and infrastructures, such as the mp3 format, peer-to-peer networks and streaming platforms. The social and economic life of today’s music

Article: Dreams and nightmares in the application of blockchain technology in music industry
In the last 20 years, major changes in music practices have been moulded around new “affordances” coming from digital technologies and infrastructures, such as the mp3 format, peer-to-peer networks and streaming platforms. The social and economic life of today’s music

7th STS Italia Conference: Technoscience from Below – University of Padova, 14-16 June 2018
The 7th STS Italia Conference will be hosted at the University of Padova, Italy, June 14 through 16, 2018, by the Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies, in collaboration with the FISPPA Department and the University of

7th STS Italia Conference: Technoscience from Below – University of Padova, 14-16 June 2018
The 7th STS Italia Conference will be hosted at the University of Padova, Italy, June 14 through 16, 2018, by the Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies, in collaboration with the FISPPA Department and the University of

Fallimenti digitali: un’archeologia dei ‘nuovi’ media (Unicopli, 2018)
FALLIMENTI DIGITALI Un’archeologia dei ‘nuovi’ media Unicopli, Milano, 2018 I media digitali sono spesso descritti come il futuro obbligato, il cui successo è dato per scontato. Ma c’è un altro lato della digitalizzazione che viene poco considerato e che una

Fallimenti digitali: un’archeologia dei ‘nuovi’ media (Unicopli, 2018)
FALLIMENTI DIGITALI Un’archeologia dei ‘nuovi’ media Unicopli, Milano, 2018 I media digitali sono spesso descritti come il futuro obbligato, il cui successo è dato per scontato. Ma c’è un altro lato della digitalizzazione che viene poco considerato e che una

Not just a matter of nostalgia: loving the vinyl record in the digital age
The return of vinyl is a nostalgic issue or a reaction to the digital world? Vinyl: the Analogue Record in the Digital Age, written by Bartmanski and Woodward responds at this question.

Not just a matter of nostalgia: loving the vinyl record in the digital age
The return of vinyl is a nostalgic issue or a reaction to the digital world? Vinyl: the Analogue Record in the Digital Age, written by Bartmanski and Woodward responds at this question.

6th STS Italia Conference – Sociotechnical Environments, University of Trento November 24-26, 2016
The 6th STS Italia Conference will be held at the Department of Sociology and Social Research of the University of Trento, November 24 through 26, 2016, by the Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies.

6th STS Italia Conference – Sociotechnical Environments, University of Trento November 24-26, 2016
The 6th STS Italia Conference will be held at the Department of Sociology and Social Research of the University of Trento, November 24 through 26, 2016, by the Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies.

La Società degli Algoritmi – Roma, 29/30 Gennaio 2016
Decennale di STS Italia (Società Italiana di Studi sulla Scienza e la Tecnologia) La Società degli Algoritmi Sapienza – Università di Roma, Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Economiche (DiSSE)

La Società degli Algoritmi – Roma, 29/30 Gennaio 2016
Decennale di STS Italia (Società Italiana di Studi sulla Scienza e la Tecnologia) La Società degli Algoritmi Sapienza – Università di Roma, Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Economiche (DiSSE)

Conference: La philosophie italienne des techniques, Paris (FR), 22 et 23 octobre 2015
La philosophie italienne des techniques An in international conference organized by CETCOPRA at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, October 22/23, 2015.

Conference: La philosophie italienne des techniques, Paris (FR), 22 et 23 octobre 2015
La philosophie italienne des techniques An in international conference organized by CETCOPRA at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, October 22/23, 2015.