Posts Tagged 'STS'

Webinar “Paltformed!” March 19th, 2025
The webinar is organized to launch the paperback edition of the book “Platformed! How Streaming, Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence are Shaping Music Cultures” by Tiziano Bonini and Paolo Magaudda, published by Springer in 2024.

Webinar “Paltformed!” March 19th, 2025
The webinar is organized to launch the paperback edition of the book “Platformed! How Streaming, Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence are Shaping Music Cultures” by Tiziano Bonini and Paolo Magaudda, published by Springer in 2024.

“Technology as culture” for the Elgar Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Studies (2024)
I contributed to the brand new edition of the Elgar Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Studies, edited by Ulrike Felt and Alan Irwin, with a framing chapter titled “Technology as culture”.

“Technology as culture” for the Elgar Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Studies (2024)
I contributed to the brand new edition of the Elgar Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Studies, edited by Ulrike Felt and Alan Irwin, with a framing chapter titled “Technology as culture”.

Final conference del progetto ENRRI , Milano 16 Giugno 2023
Il 16 Giugno 20203 si terrà a Milano la conferenza finale del progetto ENRRI dal titolo: “I processi di co-creazione nell’innovazione tecno-scientifica Responsabilità, partecipazione pubblica e valore sociale”. La conferenza è organizzata nell’ambito del progetto di ricerca EnRRI (Enhancing RRI in

Final conference del progetto ENRRI , Milano 16 Giugno 2023
Il 16 Giugno 20203 si terrà a Milano la conferenza finale del progetto ENRRI dal titolo: “I processi di co-creazione nell’innovazione tecno-scientifica Responsabilità, partecipazione pubblica e valore sociale”. La conferenza è organizzata nell’ambito del progetto di ricerca EnRRI (Enhancing RRI in

“Disentagnling Futures from a STS perspective” – Special Section of “Tecnoscienza” (2022)
At the end of 2022 i co-edited with my colleague Stefano Crabu and with the support of the whole journal’s board a special section on the role of futures, anticipatory expectations, and forward-looking statements in co-defining the nexus between science,

“Disentagnling Futures from a STS perspective” – Special Section of “Tecnoscienza” (2022)
At the end of 2022 i co-edited with my colleague Stefano Crabu and with the support of the whole journal’s board a special section on the role of futures, anticipatory expectations, and forward-looking statements in co-defining the nexus between science,

Summer School 2023: Probing Innovation: Prospecting, Valuing, and Negotiating F®ictions
I’m going to be part of the Summer School “Probing Innovation: Prospecting, Valuing, and Negotiating F®ictions“, which will be organized at the University of Lausanne from 6 to 9 June, 2023.

Summer School 2023: Probing Innovation: Prospecting, Valuing, and Negotiating F®ictions
I’m going to be part of the Summer School “Probing Innovation: Prospecting, Valuing, and Negotiating F®ictions“, which will be organized at the University of Lausanne from 6 to 9 June, 2023.

Workshop “Science, technology & society: emerging international research trends” (Padova, November 11, 2022)
On November 11, 2022, the research Unit Pastis organizes a workshop to discuss with the Science, Technology and Society Unit at Gratz University about the emerging research lines related to the field of science & technology studies.

Workshop “Science, technology & society: emerging international research trends” (Padova, November 11, 2022)
On November 11, 2022, the research Unit Pastis organizes a workshop to discuss with the Science, Technology and Society Unit at Gratz University about the emerging research lines related to the field of science & technology studies.

New research – Visualising Science on Screen: The Role of Science Film Festivals
At Pastis we recently started a new research project on the Rassegna Internazionale del film scientifico-didattico [International festivals on scientific and educational movies], which has been held in Padova from 1957 to 1974.

New research – Visualising Science on Screen: The Role of Science Film Festivals
At Pastis we recently started a new research project on the Rassegna Internazionale del film scientifico-didattico [International festivals on scientific and educational movies], which has been held in Padova from 1957 to 1974.

En-RRI – Enhancing RRI in the bottom-up co-creation of science and technology (2021-23)
Nel periodo 2021-2023 sono Co-principal investigator del progetto En-RRI – Enhancing RRI in the bottom-up co-creation of science and technology. Il progetto studia le comunità e le organizzazioni della società civile italiana impegnati in progetti di innovazione scientifica e sviluppo tecnologico.

En-RRI – Enhancing RRI in the bottom-up co-creation of science and technology (2021-23)
Nel periodo 2021-2023 sono Co-principal investigator del progetto En-RRI – Enhancing RRI in the bottom-up co-creation of science and technology. Il progetto studia le comunità e le organizzazioni della società civile italiana impegnati in progetti di innovazione scientifica e sviluppo tecnologico.

“Studi sociali sulla scienza e la tecnologia” (Il Mulino, 2020)
Il libro introduce agli studi sociali sulla scienza e la tecnologia (STS), un ambito di ricerca divenuto ormai di riferimento per analizzare e comprendere i complessi rapporti tra innovazione tecno-scientifica e contesto sociale, politico e culturale.

“Studi sociali sulla scienza e la tecnologia” (Il Mulino, 2020)
Il libro introduce agli studi sociali sulla scienza e la tecnologia (STS), un ambito di ricerca divenuto ormai di riferimento per analizzare e comprendere i complessi rapporti tra innovazione tecno-scientifica e contesto sociale, politico e culturale.

Presentazione “Fallimenti Digitali”, Università Roma Sapienza, 15 Aprile 2019
Un pomeriggio all’insegna di temi che riguardano il mondo digitale, quello trascorso presso l’aula Cabibbo dell’Istituto di Fisica “E. Fermi”. Nell’occasione è stata anche dibattuta la curatela “Fallimenti Digitali” a cura del Professore Gabriele Balbi (Usi – Università della Svizzera

Presentazione “Fallimenti Digitali”, Università Roma Sapienza, 15 Aprile 2019
Un pomeriggio all’insegna di temi che riguardano il mondo digitale, quello trascorso presso l’aula Cabibbo dell’Istituto di Fisica “E. Fermi”. Nell’occasione è stata anche dibattuta la curatela “Fallimenti Digitali” a cura del Professore Gabriele Balbi (Usi – Università della Svizzera

Workshop “Platform Societies and New Vulnerabilities”, Roma, 8 Marzo 2019
L’8 marzo 2019 STS Italia – in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali ed Economiche della Sapienza, Università di Roma e con la rivista Tecnoscienza: Italian Journal of Science and Technology Studies – organizza il seminario dal titolo Platform

Workshop “Platform Societies and New Vulnerabilities”, Roma, 8 Marzo 2019
L’8 marzo 2019 STS Italia – in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali ed Economiche della Sapienza, Università di Roma e con la rivista Tecnoscienza: Italian Journal of Science and Technology Studies – organizza il seminario dal titolo Platform

Article: Dreams and nightmares in the application of blockchain technology in music industry
In the last 20 years, major changes in music practices have been moulded around new “affordances” coming from digital technologies and infrastructures, such as the mp3 format, peer-to-peer networks and streaming platforms. The social and economic life of today’s music

Article: Dreams and nightmares in the application of blockchain technology in music industry
In the last 20 years, major changes in music practices have been moulded around new “affordances” coming from digital technologies and infrastructures, such as the mp3 format, peer-to-peer networks and streaming platforms. The social and economic life of today’s music

7th STS Italia Conference: Technoscience from Below – University of Padova, 14-16 June 2018
The 7th STS Italia Conference will be hosted at the University of Padova, Italy, June 14 through 16, 2018, by the Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies, in collaboration with the FISPPA Department and the University of

7th STS Italia Conference: Technoscience from Below – University of Padova, 14-16 June 2018
The 7th STS Italia Conference will be hosted at the University of Padova, Italy, June 14 through 16, 2018, by the Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies, in collaboration with the FISPPA Department and the University of

A History of Digital Media An Intermedia and Global Perspective (Routledge, 2018)
From the punch card calculating machine to the personal computer to the iPhone and more, this in-depth text offers a comprehensive introduction to digital media history.

A History of Digital Media An Intermedia and Global Perspective (Routledge, 2018)
From the punch card calculating machine to the personal computer to the iPhone and more, this in-depth text offers a comprehensive introduction to digital media history.

Conference: Communicating Music Scenes: Networks, Power, Technology – Institute of Musicology, Budapest University, 19-20 May 2017
The conference aims to address the relation(ship)s and communication between people, formal and informal institutions, and technologies in the context of music making.

Conference: Communicating Music Scenes: Networks, Power, Technology – Institute of Musicology, Budapest University, 19-20 May 2017
The conference aims to address the relation(ship)s and communication between people, formal and informal institutions, and technologies in the context of music making.

Workshop: Science Fiction: Promises And Poetics Of Technoscience, Rome, May 15, 2017
The workshop is organized by the Swiss Institute in Rome, in collaboration with STS Italia and Interface Science- Sociétés of the University of Lausanne, bringing together leading and upcoming scholars in Science and Technology Studies (STS) from Switzerland, Italy, and Austria.

Workshop: Science Fiction: Promises And Poetics Of Technoscience, Rome, May 15, 2017
The workshop is organized by the Swiss Institute in Rome, in collaboration with STS Italia and Interface Science- Sociétés of the University of Lausanne, bringing together leading and upcoming scholars in Science and Technology Studies (STS) from Switzerland, Italy, and Austria.