The Politics of Science and Techology: Authority, Expertise and Democratic Participation
3rd ISA Forum of SociologyWien, July 10-14 2016 RC23 Sociology of Science and Technology The Politics of Science and Techology: Authority, Expertise and Democratic Participation PRESENTATION – Wednesday, 13 July 2016: 11:00 Building Alternative Infrastructures for Digital Communications: Technoscientific Activism in the Italian Wireless Community Network
Stefano CRABU, University of Padova, Italy Wireless Community Networks (WCNs) are grassroots emerging infrastructures of communication, build up at local level by activists as political and material alternatives to the hierarchical global governance of the Internet (Chenou, 2014). WCNs are raised by groups of people rooted in media-activism (Carroll and Hackett, 2006) and engaged in the implementation of a non-profit infrastructure, which is developed through the cooperation of activists, including scientists, hackers, and lay-people. Technically, a WCN is a decentralized infrastructure for digital communication, alternative to commercial Internet Service Providers, that allows interconnecting a community of people sharing a set of goals, beliefs, and political identities, and resulting in radical criticism of the contemporary governance of Internet. |